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Approval flows, deactivating expired registrations, scheduling passes

Updated: Jan 11

Happy new year! We can't wait to share the latest Barkpass updates with you as we head into 2023:

Applications for one-time passes can now be edited

Starting today, buyers can edit pet and document information related to an approved application for one-time passes.

Prior to this change, only applications belonging to recurring memberships could be edited.

Additionally, buyers who have purchased one-time passes will be notified when their pet's documents are expiring via email on a schedule.

Administrators will also be notified when a document has expired on a one-time pass if they have opted-in to these notices in their notification settings:

We think this feature will help keep pet information up to date, even for applications that have already been approved for a predefined range (e.g. 2023). We plan to support (optional) automatic deactivation of pet registrations soon to encourage up-to-date pet documentation.

Barkpass will only take into account expired documents which are part of active passes. That means it's important to select the correct duration for your pass, especially if you have a day pass or a month pass.

Auto-approvals and new approval flow setting

We heard feedback from some Barkpass customers that it wasn't important to have a review step after a buyer submits an application for a pass.

To address this, we've introduced a new Approval Flow setting into passes:

By default, Barkpass will mark a newly-submitted application as "Pending" the first time it is submitted. Additional changes to the application (like updating expired documents) will not mark the application as "Pending" again. This excludes changes made to rejected applications.

You can modify this behavior by selecting "Always" (requires approval any time pet documents are updated), or "Never" (application moves immediately from "Draft" to "Approved" — no approval needed step).

Learn more about setting pass approval flow.

Admin-only price levels and passing fees onto buyers

Some Barkpass customers wish to pass the application fee onto buyers by increasing the prices of their passes.

However, they may wish to charge a lower price to offline (cash or check) transactions.

Barkpass now allows you to mark this lower pass price level as Admin-Only.

This prevents online buyers from taking advantage of this lower price level, but it allows administrators to choose it during the offline checkout process.

Learn more about passing fees onto buyers.

Price level redesign with eligibility reasons

We redesigned the price level experience for buyers on Barkpass:

Buyers now have the option to expand the selection of prices to include prices for which they are ineligible. Additionally, when hovering over the question mark icon, buyers can see the exact reason why their pet is not eligible for a specific price level:

We hope this encourages buyers to troubleshoot pricing questions themselves before contacting your organization for assistance.

Pass settings navigation

You can now customize Passes on Barkpass more than ever! Unfortunately, this means there are a lot of different settings on the Pass Settings page.

We took this opportunity to add a side navigation on the Pass Settings so you can quickly jump to commonly-used areas, like Pass Prices and more:

Deactivating pet registrations

Barkpass now allows you to deactive a pet's registration to a specific pass. Prior to this feature, administrators could only either deactivate the entire application (potentially including multiple pets) or deactivate the entire pet (making it ineligible for all future passes).

Deactivating a pet's registration to an application allows you to indicate that the pet is no longer eligible for a pass. Perhaps it is because the pet's documents have since expired, or because the pet was involved in an incident in your dog park.

To deactivate a pet's registration, find the pet in the application view and click "Deactivate Registration":

When a pet's registration is deactivated, a large banner will be displayed by the pet's information to make it clear that the pet is no longer active on that application. This will also be displayed to the buyer when they visit their Barkpass dashboard.

Coming soon: Automatically deactivate a pet's registration a certain number of days after their documents expire.

Schedule pass publishing and archiving

You can now schedule passes to be published and to be archived at a specific date and time in the future.

You can set this schedule by visiting the pass settings page and clicking the "Schedule" button:

That's all we have for now! As always, please let us know what could make Barkpass better for you by emailing us at

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