Recently, I had a fantastic opportunity to learn about the surrender diversion programs at both Dallas Animal Services (DAS) and Forth Worth Animal Care & Control (FWACC). As we know, prior to 2020, these programs were few and far between but became a critical part of so many communities’ responses to COVID. With success early on, these programs continue to grow and expand both from our commitment to reduce intake but also to keep pets with their loving families. DFW Metroplex is no different, launching their program at DAS in April 2020.

In witnessing these programs in action, the first thing that jumped out at me was the pet surrender page on the DAS website (See to the right). It highlights that prevention is a community wide effort, featuring five organizations beyond DAS that support families in need. For this blog, I will focus on the efforts of Dallas Pets Alive and Spay Neuter Network.
Since the program’s inception, 24,375 cases have been opened with a 32% surrender rate. See the data below. It is clear this is very successful but what’s truly remarkable is the fact that this program is being managed by only three staff members and around 10 volunteers. They have been able to scale the program thanks to Doobert’s case management software application. With this app, 70% of cases are fully managed through it, meaning no email or phone contact was required to make connections.
As per the folks at Doobert, this application makes life easier for rescues and shelters handling owner surrender or rehoming programs. It includes all the forms, workflows, and templates you need for a more automated process. If your team is struggling to manage a diversion program, I recommend exploring this software. Find out more about all of Doobert’s offerings at

While this is my first blog talking about a product not directly associated with my work, I’d like to make it clear that I am not being compensated by Doobert nor am I a user of the product, myself. That said, my knowledge is through the lens of Doobert clients and my own outsider perspective in reviewing the product. Most importantly, working with Doobert is great. The ownership and team is truly working in the best interest of their clients and animal welfare.
These are the types of stories I plan to focus on. Articles about organizations meeting their missions by optimizing technology. I look forward to bringing out more of these features. If you have a story like this, definitely reach out.. I would love to write about it.